Supporting Men’s Health Week 2023 are HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare Health & Wellbeing Staff Daniel Butler, Mark Dooley, John Mc Elhinney, Damien Ahern & Ger Fahy

International Men’s Health Week always begins on the Monday before Father’s Day and ends on Father’s Day itself. This year it runs from today Monday 12th to Sunday 18th June.

This year’s theme is ‘The Picture of Health’. We are encouraging all men and those who support men in their lives to look at what the “Picture of Health” might mean to them and set one small goal, to improve your health.

Mid-West Community Healthcare Health & Wellbeing in collaboration with Men’s Health Forum in Ireland,  have produced a Men’s Health Supplement with information, support & resources for Men’s Health including links to Men’s Health Forum in Ireland, the new Action Man Manual and the Mid- West Community Healthcare Signposting Documents for services in your area.

You can find out more about Men’s Health Week here -