Climate action strategy aims to reduce emissions and protect population health

The HSE has launched its Climate Action Strategy 2023-2050. This health service-wide strategy aims to reduce the negative climate impacts of our health service, achieve net-zero emissions for the HSE by 2050, and deliver healthcare that is environmentally and socially sustainable.

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to public health across the globe, and as Ireland’s largest public body, we in the HSE recognise the significant role we can play in tackling the climate crisis. The healthcare sector is a notable contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for an estimated 5% of total emissions globally and is also responsible for responding to people’s changing health needs affected by climate change.

Care is one of the HSE’s core values, and that includes demonstrating care for our environment and how we use resources as we work. Our climate action strategy sets a high ambition for our health service, and we are committed to the timely implementation of the actions it sets out for our teams and services.

Dean Sullivan, HSE Chief Strategy Officer, said “This programme of work responds to and supports the Government’s Climate Action plans and provides actions and targets to reduce the environmental and social impact of the delivery of healthcare in Ireland. Our health service will be showing leadership and commitment to sustainable actions and principles across areas such as buildings, green space development, transport, greener models for health care, procurement and more.”

Globally, healthcare is a key contributor in fuelling climate harm due to our need for high-energy intensive buildings, transportation footprint of employees and patients, global supply chain emissions including supplies, pharmaceuticals, devices, and food, the uses of single-use goods and more.”

The HSE actions will be focused on 10 areas:

  1. Reducing our energy-related greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Developing green spaces
  3. Decarbonising our fleet of vehicles
  4. Promoting low carbon and active travel
  5. Aligning our purchasing of goods and services with decarbonisation and sustainability goals
  6. Baselining our supply chain emissions
  7. Developing greener models of healthcare delivery
  8. Reducing and managing waste
  9. Conserving and reducing water use
  10. Protecting people’s health and wellbeing.

Dr. Philip Crowley, National Director, Strategy & Research, said “Developing this programme of work is an important and exciting step for the HSE. We are here for the long-haul, with a multi-year, sustained programme. Our workforce of over 100,000 people is central to the successful development and delivery of this strategy. We hope to enable and support staff and service users to act as sustainability and climate action activists and lead the transformation to make the health service a more sustainable provider.’

Peter Smyth, Assistant National Director Capital & Estates, added “The HSE Climate Action Strategy builds on existing work with our built environment and reducing energy-related emissions. By 2021, the HSE achieved a 9% reduction in energy-related emissions and our new target is a 51% reduction by 2030. We will seek to build on this progress going forward working closely with colleagues across the HSE.’

Implementation governed by a Climate Action Steering Group reporting directly to HSE Executive Management / Senior Leadership teams and the HSE Board.

  • 12 key work programmes responsible for the delivery of the Strategy’s 10 Strategic Objectives. These are:
    • Sustainable Buildings
    • Green Environment
    • Transport
    • Sustainable Mobility
    • Green Procurement
    • Procurement Decarbonisation Trajectory
    • Greener Models of Health Care
    • Waste Management
    • Water Management
    • Adaptation and Resilience
    • Collaboration, Communication, Training, and Awareness
    • Measurement and Assurance
  • Measurement and reporting on key metrics, internal benchmarks and targets to continually improve our performance.
  • Annual review of the strategy and updating as additional guidance and policy information becomes available, carbon hotspots are identified and specific targets are updated.