Bulletin 2 - COVID 19 Vaccine

Written on 18/01/2021

Dear All,

Welcome to the second bulletin from the HSE National Immunisation Office which highlights changes in clinical guidance for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.


In this edition we cover

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna®
  • Updates on guidance for Comirnaty® (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccine
  • Contraindication and precautions to Comirnaty® and  Covid-19 Vaccine Moderna®
  • Reminder regarding the administration of COVID-19 vaccines from multi-dose vials
  • Close contacts and vaccination
  • Transporting diluted Comirnaty® vaccine up a flight of stairs
  • Advice for women who are planning a pregnancy
  • Information for pregnant or breastfeeding women


We also recommend you visit our website as new documents have been added and updates have been made to the existing clinical documents.


Later today the COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar Series will be updated to reflect these changes and available from www.hseland.ie. If you have previously signed up for the series on HSELand or completed it you will receive an email alerting you to the new information.


Finally a reminder bulletins will be published every week or more frequently, if required.

National Immunisation Office 

Email immunisation@hse.ie
Website www.immunisation.ie
Twitter @hseimm #VaccinesWork #ProtectOurFuture #YourBestShot

Bulletin 1:
