Staff Update October 29th

Written on 29/10/2020

Dear Colleagues,

As winter is here we find ourselves back in Level 5 lockdown. It is really important that each of us, as well as our friends and families, adhere by all of the guidelines. We need to support each other throughout this six week period and take all measures to reduce the numbers, so that we can all enjoy Christmas.

 Lockdown has significant implications for everyone, particularly for the people we look after. I want to assure you that it is our    intention to continue with our existing level of service delivery. All of our services are currently extremely busy and we are experiencing significant increases in activity. However, we are recruiting staff to all services across the CHO on an ongoing basis.

If you’re planning on doing Christmas shopping during lockdown, remember to support local & Irish shops: The local authorities in the Mid West are each playing their part in supporting their local communities at this time: the councils in Clare (1890 252 943,,  Limerick (1800 832 005,, and Tipperary (076 106 5000, are all part of the COVID-19 Community Call Forum. Please be aware of what they are doing and let people that you meet through work know that the services provided by each of the local authorities are       available, if needed.

I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank each and every one of you for your commitment and dedication. You have all worked so hard,           particularly during these extraordinary times, and it is very much appreciated. Finally, I want to assure you that the management team are working extremely hard to ensure that we continue to deliver the highest standard of services that we possibly can. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween and don’t get too spooked!


                                                                Level 5 Restrictions


        Central Laundry Dept. St Camillus Hospital #HoldFirm Halloween Gesture

The Central Laundry Department at St Camillus Hospital have made a little gesture and shown a lot of kindness this Halloween! They made a collection to buy some little sweet treats for their extended family & clients at the hospital. The team made up hampers and delivered them to the five units on-site at St Camillus. Well done, guys!

                                            QUIT MID WEST Has Been Launched

 The New Stop Smoking Service ‘QUIT MID WEST’, launched at the start of October, is available to service users across the Mid West Community Healthcare Organisation.

Your Stop Smoking Advisor Team will be running Stop Smoking Clinics as follows:

Mary McMahon
Clinics in Ennis, Co. Clare, Shannon, Co. Clare and Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick

Aine Montgomery
Clinics in Barrack View, Limerick City and Newport, Co. Tipperary

Mairead Kelly
Clinics in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary and Newcastle West, Co. Limerick

Bernadette Mullins
Clinics in Kilrush, Co. Clare and Ballynanty, Limerick City



                                                        Get A Vaccine, Give A Vaccine

HSE Mid West Community Healthcare has partnered with UNICEF for their ‘Get a Vaccine—Give a Vaccine’ programme. For each HSE Healthcare Worker that gets their flu vaccine, HSE Mid West Community Healthcare are funding UNICEF to give 10 Measles Vaccines to children in the developing world.

If you are getting your free Flu Vaccine in your participating Pharmacy or GP, please click on the below link and follow the process outlined to contribute towards the ‘Get a Vaccine—Give a Vaccine’ programme and to be included in the monthly incentivised draw:

See the Staff App or staff broadcasts for a full list of clinics &  booking details