NUI Maynooth (Limerick) Certificate in Addiction Studies 2021-22

Written on 19/07/2021


Please see details below of an educational opportunity which may be of interest.

If you are interested in applying for this course, an application form is available from Sharon on the email provided below.

NUI Maynooth Certificate in Addiction Studies (Limerick)


Dear Colleagues,

The Education Officers of the HSE Midwest Drug & Alcohol Service are again pleased to offer the National University of Ireland Maynooth Certificate in Addiction Studies to be offered in Limerick.  Please note that course delivery may be BLENDED, i.e. mixture of in-person and online classes. It is open to colleagues within the HSE Midwest areas of Clare, Tipperary North and Limerick and those working in other statutory and voluntary agencies impacted upon by drug, alcohol or non-substance addictions.

The 100 hour course will run over one academic year commencing October 6th 2021 and ending early May 2022.

The reduced course fee is €500.  Further details outlined on the attached brochure and application form. Places are limited, closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 10th September, 2021.

Please circulate this brochure to colleagues on leave or not on e-mail and post on your staff notice board.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any informal enquiries.

Sharon Lavery, Course Secretary


Anna O'Neill, Course Organiser & Tutor
065 6865852


Sharon Lavery,
Clare Drug & Alcohol Service, Museum House, Francis St, Ennis, Co. Clare.

NUIM Certificate in Addiction Studies Brochure 2021-22[8165]