Menopause and Me Video Series

Written on 18/10/2022


Menopause, when periods stop permanently, is a biological phase that all females undergo at some point in their lives. Menopause can cause symptoms like hot flushes, changes to periods, mood swings, anxiety and brain fog. These symptoms can start years before periods stop and carry on afterwards.

Less than 20% of women currently experiencing menopause/perimenopause today describe it as a positive experience and the majority of people (82%) agree that menopause is not openly discussed.

In 2021 Mid West Community Healthcare Health and Wellbeing Team hosted a Menopause and Me Webinar. This very successful webinar is now available in 5 parts, each video contains information to help women navigate their menopause.

You can access each video on HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube Channel. Click on this link to view the first video in the Menopause and Me Series.