HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy

Written on 02/11/2022

The HSE Children First National Office has launched a revised HSE Child Protection and Welfare Policy.

The policy aligns with the requirements outlined under the Children First Act 2015 and the principles of the Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017.

It is important that all staff are familiar with the policy. It outlines the following:

  • How to respond to a disclosure of abuse from a child or an adult
  • How to determine if a concern meets the threshold for reporting to Tusla - Child and Family Agency
  • How to make a report
  • What and how to record
  • Information on your role and responsibilities

All staff members are required to read this Policy and understand their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the Policy and have signed the signature sheet in Appendix 3 to that effect. You can access further information on the HSE Children Protection and Welfare Policy here.