Bulletin 11 - COVID-19 Vaccine

Written on 22/03/2021

Dear All,

Welcome to the eleventh bulletin from the HSE National Immunisation Office which highlights changes in clinical guidance for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.


In this edition we cover

  • COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca
  • Information from the EMA
    • Statement from the WHO GACVS COVID-19 subcommittee
    • Information from the National Immunisation Advisory Committee
    • Advice healthcare professionals should give a person receiving COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca®
  • Covid-19 vaccines linked to a reduction in transmission
  • Consent to Vaccination
  • Vaccine traceability forms in General Practice
  • Website
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Training Programme
  • Queries

We also recommend you visit our website as new documents have been added and updates have been made to the existing clinical documents.


A reminder the COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar Series is available from www.hseland.ie. Thank you to the 10,931 people who have completed the series so far.   


Please be aware HSeLanD will be temporarily unavailable from 23.00hrs Friday 26 March to the morning of Monday 29 March to perform an essential upgrade to their infrastructure to ensure better uptime and the stability of HSeLanD.


Please share this update with your colleagues to ensure everyone has access to the most up to date information.


Finally a reminder bulletins will be published every week or more frequently, if required.


National Immunisation Office