Bulletin 14 - COVID Vaccine

Written on 28/04/2021

Dear All,

Welcome to the COVID-19 bulletin (number 14) from the HSE National Immunisation Office which highlights changes in clinical guidance for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.


In this edition we cover

  • NIAC advice
  • EMA review of Vaxzevria ® (COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca)
  • WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccination Statement
  • Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine guidance and training
  • One-page summary and quick reference guide for COVID-19 vaccines
  • People on treatment for cancer and other conditions
  • National Immunisation Office Website
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Training Programme 
  • Where to send queries 

We also recommend you visit our website as new documents have been added and updates have been made to the existing clinical documents.  


The HSeLanD “COVID-19 Vaccination Programme” has been updated to include information about COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen®. Find it on www.hseland.ie.