Primary Care - Falls Prevention Resources

Written on 20/09/2022

The HSE Mid West Community Healthcare Primary Care Service is pleased to communicate the new Multifactorial Falls Screening (MFS) tool with associated Policy and educational resources. This replaces all previous falls screening tools used to screen clients living in the community including numerical tools such as the FRASE.

Multifactorial falls screening is an evidence based approach recommended by NICE (2017). Interventions directed to modifiable risk factors for falls can reduce the incidence of falls. Multifactorial falls screening allows the identification of factors that predispose someone to a fall and is used to direct the individual to the appropriate assessment.

Who completes a Multifactorial Falls Screening (MFS)?

All staff in Primary Care working with older people in the community setting will now use this tool to screen and sign post clients to the most appropriate service to reduce the risk and incidence of falls.

All relevant HSE Mid West Community Primary Care staff should make themselves aware of the content of the HSE Mid West Community Healthcare Falls Care Pathway Guideline and attached Multifactorial Falls Screening (MFS) Tool.  

Other resources available  include a Falls Prevention Workbook for staff, an information booklet for service users regarding Falls Care in HSE Mid West Community Healthcare.

The following short briefing video has also been developed to assist those completing the MFS.