Kitty Kelly retires today after working in St Camillus for the past 48 years

Written on 22/12/2023

The team and residents in St Camillus would like to give thanks to Kitty for her 48 years contribution to St Camillus and the many lives she has positively touched throughout these years. Kitty Kelly is retiring today from St Camillus’ Hospital following a long career with the Mid Western Health Board and subsequently the HSE. She started in 1975 in the catering department and has adapted into many roles all with the emphasis on supporting our residents requirements. In the later years Kitty has been an invaluable friend and confidant to the residents and she will be sorely missed.  Kitty’s outstanding contribution to our public service is an commendable achievement and one that will not be easily replicated or surpassed. We wish her many years of health and happiness in her retirement.