Primary Care Social Work

Written on 18/06/2020

What We Do

There are currently 8 Primary Care Social work posts serving the Community Healthcare Networks across CHO 3. Social Workers provide a service to vulnerable clients presenting with complex medical, social and psychological needs in the community. This work is carried out within a multidisciplinary context and seeks to improve the health and social wellbeing of individuals and families in the community. Primary Care Social Work is a generic, short term intervention service dealing with a broad range of issues including, but not limited to;

  • Identifying and organising community services appropriate for clients and/or carers

  • Advising on relationship difficulties including: separation, domestic violence and family disputes

  • Assisting with life-changing issues such as bereavement and trauma

  • Advocacy on behalf of individuals to ensure their rights are upheld

  • Signposting to services dealing with issues such as addiction and unplanned pregnancy

  • Support to individuals and families in regard to current and future care planning, including Fair Deal applications

  • Linking clients with specialist counselling services

  • Support and guidance in dealing with housing issues, financial hardship and referring to homeless agencies where appropriate.

  • Assisting clients to deal with stress and anxiety


Meet The Team

Mary Sugrue, Social Work Team Leader

Limerick City

Elaine McGrath, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Elaine works with adults of all ages and is attached to Ballynanty, King’s Island, Thomond & Westbury Primary Care Teams.

Catherine Coles, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Catherine works with adults of all ages and is attached to Galvone, Ballinacurra, Market 1 & Market 2 Primary Care Teams

Limerick County

Lorraine Donlon, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Lorraine works with adults of all ages and is attached to Newcastlewest, Dromcollogher, Rathkeale, Abbeyfeale & Glin Primary Care Teams

Clare Mulcahy, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Working with adults of all ages and attached to Kilmallock, Bruff, Hospital, Ballylanders & Croom Primary Care Teams.

North Tipperary

Margaret White, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Margaret works with adults of all ages and is attached to Borrisokane, Ballina/Killaloe, Nenagh East & Nenagh West Primary Care Teams.

 Lorraine Hennessey, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Lorraine works with adults of all ages and is attached to Templemore, Roscrea, Thurles & Borrisoleigh Primary Care Teams

  • (Lorraine can only receive referrals via her email address currently)


Deirdre O’Neill, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Deirdre works with adults between the ages of 18 -65 years and is attached to Shannon, Sixmilebridge, East Clare Primary Care Teams (Tulla, Scarriff, Broadford) 

 Therese Collins, Primary Care Social Worker

  • Therese works with adults between the ages of 18 -65 years and is attached to all Ennis Primary Care Teams.

Making a Referral

We are always happy to discuss potential referrals prior to you making a written referral.  If the referral is not appropriate for our service, we may be able to offer advice and information and help signpost you to other, more appropriate services.

  1. Discuss the referral with the individual and obtain their informed consent. The contents of referrals are shared with our clients.

  2. Complete the PCCC Referral Form clearly stating the reason for the referral.

  3. Send the referral form directly to the Primary Care Social Worker covering the area in which the client/patient resides. You will find our contact details under the ‘Meet The Team’ section.

  4. We also welcome self-referrals by phone from members of the community.

  5. On receipt of the referral, the Primary Care Social Worker will make contact with the individual to meet them in their home or in their local health centre.

 If you have concerns about abuse of a child, please make contact with the Child & Family Agency Duty Social Worker in the first instance.

If you have concerns about abuse of a vulnerable adult, please make contact with the Safeguarding Team in the first instance.

If the individual is open to a specialist service i.e. Mental Health Services, please refer to the social worker in that service.


Click the link below to download the PCCC Referral Form:

PCCCReferral Form PCCCReferral Form