New Programme - Build Healthy Eating Habits This Summer

Written on 02/06/2022

It’s always a good time to Build Healthy Eating Habits – so why not this summer?

The HSE Mid West Community Healthcare Health and Wellbeing service are delighted to announce a five-week programme, “Build Healthy Eating Habits”. This free programme is open to all staff of HSE Mid West Community Healthcare.

The virtual programme will be delivered by a registered dietitian on Wednesday evenings (7-8pm) and starts on 8th of June.

HSE colleagues who previously completed the programme said, “I recommend that this course is offered to staff again. I will recommend it to others”, “I would highly recommend for everyone” and “I found it very informative and helpful in an easy and practical way. Being able to ask questions on particular issues and have them addressed was amazing”.

Do not delay, book today! Places are limited.

To register please contact Niamh Keating: or 087 4484943.