Green Exercise Success

Written on 24/05/2022


“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step” - Muhammad Ali

Little did anyone know when the Green Exercise Programme was launched in Nenagh on a beautiful sunny day in March 2022 in partnership with Silver Arch Family Resource Centre, HSE Health and Wellbeing, Tipperary Sports Partnership and Healthy Tipperary, that lots of people would be willing to take that first step and join a group of people that met twice a week for gentle exercise outdoors.

The Green Exercise Programme is a community-based physical activity programme that’s underpinned by various studies and research. The idea of this programme is to provide a free, accessible and safe opportunity for people to enjoy exercise outdoors in a gentle and supportive way over a period of 8 weeks. The hope was it would not only provide an exercise outlet, but would also be a social outlet for people to meet new and old friends alike.

So, how successful was the Green Exercise Programme?

Over 15 participants joined the programme and the general feedback was that the programme definitely got people moving, increased physical activity levels, with people enjoying the walk while meeting and chatting to different people over the course of the programme, with the support of being in a group and being led by fitness instructor Fiona Ward.

In fact, not only did the participants benefit from the programme physically, but participants self-reported that their overall wellbeing improved throughout the 8 weeks. One participant stated that this was the first time he went out and did something like this within his community… “I met people I never knew before… it’s good for socialising and it’s good for your health… each week I felt so much better after doing it”.

Most of the participants said that they wanted to keep going after the programme ended, while also looking for more emphasis on balance and strength exercises and walking further. So much so, after the initial eight weeks of the programme, the group still get together once a week, with the support of Silver Arch Family Resource Centre.

Fiona Ward the programme’s health and fitness instructor with Tipperary Sports Partnership was delighted to see such positive outcomes for everyone who took part, saying “I think it’s a wonderful format and to see people build up confidence, fitness levels and also make new friendships over the 8 weeks was so good, and well done to everyone involved in making it happen.”


What happens next?

The programme model is delivered on a partnership approach and a full evaluation report will be issued in the coming weeks. However, going by the initial feedback of the Green Exercise Programme, very little has to change and again, in partnership with HSE and Tipperary Sports Partnership, Silver Arch Family Resource Centre are delighted to be rolling out the Green Exercise Programme again in the coming months.

If you would like to join the next Green Exercise programme or refer a client from your services within the Nenagh area, contact Silver Arch Family Resource Centre at 067-31800.