Wellbeing for men workshop in June

Written on 31/05/2024


There will be a Wellbeing for men workshop taking place in June for HSE Mid West Male staff members. If you would like to attend please see the details below and on the attached PDF.

Minding your Wellbeing for Men.

Overview of the programme:

Who should attend? 

  • The training aims to support staff who wish to actively support their own mental health and well-being and build good self-care practice

You will learn about

  • The benefit of a positive approach to your mental well-being and how it can be actively applied for your own wellness.
  • The need for good self-care practices and how they can be built into your day to day life.
  • How your thoughts and emotions impact on your mental wellbeing and explore how you can cope with those that challenge and encourage those that help you flourish.

The programme does not cover diagnosis of mental health and participants will not be asked to discuss their own mental health experiences.

Please Contact Health Promotion & Improvement Officers, Niamh Nicholas on 087 1819732 or Danika Hoare on 087 1882075 for further information and to register your place.


Mens Health workshop June 24 Mens Health workshop June 24