Making Every Contact Count (MECC) elearning training

Written on 24/07/2020

MECC eLearning supports opportunities to have conversations about healthier lifestyle choices


Making Every Contact Count (MECC) eLearning training is available free to all HSE staff.


The training programme aims to support healthcare workers to address prevention and lifestyle behaviour change with their service users in routine clinical consultation where possible, by using their daily interactions with service users as opportunities to have good conversations that help people to make healthier lifestyle choices – to eat well, get active, reducing their drinking and quit smoking.


These conversations are particularly relevant at this time, as we have seen how people with chronic diseases such as asthma, COPD, cancer and diabetes may be at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.


To access the eLearning training visit


The training consists of 6 online modules that take about 4 hours to complete.


How staff will benefit from doing the eLearning

·       Complements your existing engagement approaches.

·       Supports you to have a concise supportive conversation if doing your consultation by telephone or virtually.

·       A MECC interaction takes a matter of minutes and is not intended to add to existing busy workloads.

·       CPD points awarded for nursing staff and endorsed by healthcare professional bodies

·       Supports you in managing your own health.