New eLearning modules on Hseland

Written on 12/08/2020

eLearning modules to support dysphagia management now available on HSeLanD


The HSE National Health and Social Care Professions (HSCP) Office is pleased to relaunch the following two eLearning modules to support dysphagia management, incorporating the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework:


  • ‘Introduction to International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework’, which replaces the former “Irish Consistency Descriptors for Modified Fluids and Foods” module.

  • ‘Managing Feeding, Eating, Drinking and Swallowing (FEDS) Difficulties in People with an Intellectual Disability’, which has been updated to include the IDDSI framework.

The IDDSI Framework was adopted by the HSE in November 2018, replacing the Irish Consistency Descriptors for Modified Fluids and Foods (IASLT, INDI, 2009), and from September 2019, the descriptions, labels and instructions for the use of modified food and drink products changed as Ireland began implementing the IDDSI Framework.


These modules have been updated with input from two teams of Speech and Language Therapists (SLT), Dietitians and Nurses with expertise and experience in the population groups affected by dysphagia. Many of these healthcare professionals were also members of the HSE National Working Group for Changes in Dysphagia Management and related subgroups, which contributed to the HSE Leadership team decision to adopt the IDDSI framework, and also developed a national implementation plan and supporting resources. The National HSCP Office acknowledges the Office of Nursing and Midwifery Services Director for co-funding the FEDS module update and support from the SLT team in Stewarts Care in leading this process.


To access and complete these eLearning modules, search for the relevant titles on HSeLanD or access them through the clinical skills catalogue.


The HSE IDDSI Implementation Pack is available on the Share Centre on HseLanD and provides planning, educational, practical and communications resources to support sites implementing IDDSI.